Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Profile: Rove McManus

By Megan Lehmann
The Weekend Australian Magazine
May 14, 2016

What do the people want? No one really knows so Rove McManus gives them his all, just to be sure. Gives ’em a double palms-up woot woot, fires off a round of funny voices, cracks a meerkat joke. Pushes back his chair and leaps to his feet in the small glass-walled studio on the 15th floor of ­Sydney’s World Square. It’s Beyoncé’s Love on Top! ­Showing a jaunty disregard for the hour, he launches into a frenzied white-boy dance, windmilling his arms and smiling like he means it. “Feel free to gif and meme that,” he shouts to a young digital content producer who replies with a cheery thumbs-up.
Full story: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/life/weekend-australian-magazine/rove-mcmanus-talk-show-and-radio-star-is-back-on-the-bright-side/news-story/e1ae961a87a376a68e14bbc351f5ace8

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