Talent plus hard work: Alex Gunning. Picture: Julian Kingma
By: Megan Lehmann
From: The Weekend Australian Magazine
October 18, 2014
ALEX Gunning is not very good at the trumpet.
He glances cheerfully at the offending instrument, propped in a sunlit corner of the room fronting this inner-Melbourne home, as his three younger sisters and step-mum Katherine, a music teacher, subject him to a good-natured ribbing. “It’s because he never practises,” says Katherine, quietly chiding three-year-old Genevieve for bouncing around on the piano stool and scattering biscuit crumbs all over a floral-patterned rug. “In our family it’s like, ‘Do music or else!’ ” chimes in violin-playing Cathy, 12, while 10-year-old Victoria (clarinet, cello and recorder) nods vigorously.Full story here:
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