Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Profile: Don Hany

He’s the go-to guy for ethnic diversity. So who is Don Hany?

From: The Weekend Australian Magazine
May 10, 201412:00AM

 Majestic: Don Hany with his avian co-star in The Healing. Picture: Ben King
Majestic: Don Hany with his avian co-star in ‘The Healing’. Picture: Ben KingSource: Supplied

In profile, he's magnificent. In fact, the word could have been invented to describe the majestic thrust of his head, the gallant brow and dark, all-seeing eyes, always on the lookout, forever on the hunt.
Shaking down his feathers, the mighty wedge-tailed eagle springs to the sky and begins to climb, unfurling a wing span across two metres. He catches an updraft and is carried further, an airborne symbol of freedom and transcendence. In some religions it is believed that high-soaring eagles touch the face of God and this one, gliding far above the quiet, spiritually restorative bushland of rural Victoria, is as noble as a living thing can be. Don Hany doesn’t believe in God. He does believe in eagles.

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